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Set of 3 boxes Haarlem Oil

Set of 3 boxes Haarlem Oil

Regular price €55,90
Regular price €62,70 Sale price €55,90
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Tax included.


  • Deep detoxification
  • Articular
  • Muscular (cramps)
  • Recovery
  • Respiratory
  • Skin
  • Antioxidant
  • Antiparasitic

Pack of 3 boxes on Promotion!

Composition : Sulfur (S8) 16%, pine turpentine 80%, linseed oil 4% (these 3 components come from the EU pharmacopoeia), pork gelatin capsule.

Haarlem oil provides the body with bioavailable, non-oxidized organic sulfur.

This intake of assimilable sulfur contributes to the proper functioning of our body. It is an excellent detoxifier and contributes to good liver function.

It helps in the elimination of heavy metals and the elimination of toxins.

Haarlem Oil is a 400-year-old alchemical discovery that originated in the city of Haarlem in Holland.

For more information regarding Haarlem oil, do not hesitate to consult the website of our Naturopath Mr Yves Cassard: by clicking on this link

Haarlem oil for humans

Take in the middle of the evening meal.
- 1 capsule per day for 1 month to be renewed at the four changes of season or four months continuously during winter periods or during pollen periods


 Soufre(S8) 16%, térébenthine du pin 80%, huile de lin 4% (ces 3 composants sont issus de la pharmacopée EU), gélule en gélatine de porc.

Conseils d'utilisation

L'idéal est de prendre vos gélules le soir.

Prendre, soit 10mn avant votre repas avec un verre d'eau soit au milieu du repas du soir.

En utilisation préventive :
 -  1 capsule par jour pendant 1 mois à renouveler aux quatre changements de saison ou quatre mois en continu pendant les périodes hivernales ou lors des pollens.

Consultez votre spécialiste bien-être pour d'autres besoins.

The Importance of buying Haarlem oil in France.

Haarlem oil is known for its many health benefits, including its potential to relieve joint pain and improve digestion. However, the quality of the product you purchase can have a significant impact on the results you get.

Quality and Authenticity

The quality and authenticity of Haarlem oil are crucial. Lower quality products may not contain appropriate levels of sulfur and vegetable oils, reducing their potential health benefits.

Operating License in France

It is strongly recommended to purchase Haarlem oil from French laboratories with an operating license. This license ensures that the product is manufactured to strict standards and complies with local regulations.

The Benefits of Haarlem Oil

Haarlem oil can provide many benefits for your well-being, including supporting joints, improving digestion and detoxifying the body. However, these benefits are more likely to be realized with a quality product.

The French Trusted Laboratory

Choosing a trusted French laboratory is essential to guarantee the quality of the Haarlem oil you purchase. Selena Nature is in close collaboration with the Lefevre Laboratory, the only holder of the operating license for Haarlem oil alchemy on French soil.

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Cure de jouvence

Haarlem vous accompagne dans les premiers gestes du retour au bien-être.

Découvrez nos conseils pour une transition en douceur vers le bien-être

Des jambes de 20 ans

Retrouvez le bonheur de vous mouvoir en amateur ou professionnel dans vos activités de tous les jours.

Cure à chaque saison, un départ du bon pied.

Observer votre organisme évoluer et performer à chaque pas.


Consultez votre médecin et/ou naturopathe, il saura vous guider sur les autres utilisations bienfaitrices de l'huile de Haarlem

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